Dublin: 12 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

16 objects you'll find in every Irish household

Loads and loads of tat.

1. This deceptive biscuit tin

cHqiUHm Source: Reddit

“Maybe this time there’ll be some biscuits. Oh wait, nope. Just a sewing kit.”

2. These iodine tablets… just in case, you know yourself


3. A CD that came free with a Sunday newspaper in 2003

images Source: uk.ebid.net

See also: a DVD of The Fast Show that came free with a paper in 2004.

4. An assortment of lunchbox lids… with no boxes in sight



5. An ancient RTÉ Christmas Guide

00084033-622 Source: RTÉ

6. Some old Christmas wrapping paper that your Mam kept to “recycle” last year

wraping Source: Flickr

Your Mam loves to do her bit for the environment so she does.

7. A little bottle of holy water from Lourdes

s-l1600 Source: Flickr

8. 9 copies of The Yellow Pages

yellowpages Source: Flickr

Sure, they may be obsolete now, but you still haven’t thrown one out in, oh, a decade.

10. An auld bottle of Calpol from God knows when

283022 (1) Source: Analytic Armadillo

Who knows when it’ll come in handy? (See also: a tub of Vicks that was bought 11 years ago.)

11. Approximately 20,000 old batteries

batteries Source: Flickr

Which ones work? No idea.

We’ll just have to try them all!

12. One of these guys

l_1061-a-1 Source: Irish Call Cards

13. One “fancy” shopping bag that you keep for special occasions


14. Sooooo many of these

the-drops-of-help-ltd-tdoh-clothing-collection-bags_courtesy-of_mirror-co-uk_psi Source: charitybags.org.uk

15. Don’t forget about these

$_12 Source: eBay

Just on the off chance they’re worth something some day.

16. Probably one of these hidden up in the attic

s-l1600 (1) Source: eBay

Ah, the glory days of 1999…

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17 #FoodPorn photos that only Irish people will appreciate >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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